
Monday, January 28, 2013


Party On

When I heard the word "carnevale," I pictured Venice.

Now, I'm a changed man.

During my extended stay in Italy, I was lucky enough to share the streets of Foiano della Chiana during the oldest carnevale in all of Italy.

Sorry, Venice.

Being from Texas, I was used to big parades; heck, I even marched in them. But the sites and sounds here in Italy pale in mere text and are truly best experienced in person; it's hard to believe the scenes depicted atop these floats are made of papier-mâché... some about 4 stories tall!

Here's a quick video I made to give you a glimpse of the action. I was pinned-up against a building for most of my shots, so sorry I didn't capture more "spot on" footage.

I'll be lucky enough to catch more of the Carnevale di Foiano in years to come! Learn more about "The" party here.

Let The Show Begin (click below)

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